
Thursday - News!

So, turns out that Sumo Wrestlers have (gasp!) ties with the Yakuza!

Who'da thunk it?

Starting a few weeks ago, the police have been investigating their money/gambling/match-fixing practices.  It's gotten so bad that the police are thinking about confiscating their cell phones and see who they were corresponding with.  (A big  no no in Japan.)

Speaking of Sumo, it is a bit interesting how, over the last 10 years or so, the number of Japanese sumo wrestlers has dwindles to almost nothing.  The most famous wrestlers in recent memory have been Russian, Hawaiian, and 2 Mongolians.  The pride of Japan has been taken, like almost all things here now, by foreigners.

this brings the question... what does 'Japanese' even mean anymore.

Stay frosty!

13 件のコメント:

  1. Cool a Japanese blog!
    Following :)
    ^^ The first thing I read is about Yakuza :D

  2. Interesting topics you have here. By the way, I answered your question on my blog about SSD. I even updated the actual blog itself in the last paragraph to add pros. Thanks for your question.

    I follow and support those who do likewise.

  3. Figures, doesn't it? Regardless of any Yakuza antics, I'd still really like to visit Japan.


  4. Nice posting bro!!

    I wait on my blog!!!


  5. match fixing sucks bro
    $upporting , folowing and $upported

  6. nice info here, didnt knew that about yakuza

  7. it means SAMURAI N KATANAZ, atomic weapons, suicidal planes, extreme discipline and also the lack there of. and sushi and crazy comics n movies. KARATE. Japanese are probably my favorite type of asians. Good ol allies long long ago

    Domo arregato gaseimashta.. forgive my spelling and lack of japenese characters.


  8. Well the entire japanese population is on a general decline.

    hentai and other tech has removed the need to satisfy sexual urges with other people

  9. cool blog! Following :)


  10. Gambling problems inherently go with just about any sport I guess.

  11. wow that is amazing that most of the sumo wrestlers aren't even Japanese anymore!
