Sorry for not posting this week.
The truth is, my computer got AIDS and died!
So, I had to get new one.
Instead of paying a bunch of money for a BTO, I decided to try my hand at building it myself!
Here're the new specs:
AMD 3.3ghz 6 core CPU
8gb RAM
Radeon HD 6850 graphics card
Some awesome motherboard that I can't recall the name of
Windows 7
All this for 750$!!
But, building it was not a walk in the park... but it works awesome now!! I can play Starcraft 2 on all the MAXIMUM settings and not a single hiccup!
Well, that's all for now, see you next week!
Stay Frosty!
zomg welcome back!
返信削除- micro economics and market systems
building a computer sounds awesome! :D i'd love to do it, just for the experience, but i don't need one or have the money.
返信削除I could say that that computer will likely be obsolete in a few years, but that'd only be in reference to hardware. I haven't really seen any games completely tax a hex-core, let alone quad-core, system... with the exception of SpringRTS and Crysis. So, while there will likely be new hardware, you should be all set on games and software for quite a while. And you'll be able to enjoy them all now instead of later. ;D
返信削除(You should check out SpringRTS if you like StarCraft2, it's a lot larger with tons more units, production, and tactics. The Gundam or Zero-K mods will probably tax the most out of your system. Oh, it's also completely free. )
Nice new computer bro! Good to see your back.
返信削除Nice computer, I need to get a new one when I can afford it.
man ur lucky id love to play computer games without all the BS lag
返信削除Welcome back!! Now get posting
返信削除Oh no! Not computer AIDS! Well welcome back.
返信削除Supporting as always!