
Japan PSN finally back online

So, as some of you may know, the Japanese government was a little more strict about letting Sony start the PSN back up again.  Today, however, the PSN finally came back up.

Dude, Sony must totally hate Japan.

In the US, Sony let people download games like Infamous and Little big Planet FOR FREE!!

Here in Japan... no such luck.

Oh, we get free games, alright.  But...

Well, they suck.

Locoroco is the best one on the list.  All the other games... like the lowest rated PSN-only games around. 

I mean, yeah sure we get the Playstation Plus 30 day free stuff, but the lineup just isn't as robust as that of the US and Europe. 

For every Nintendo fan out there who was angered by the announcement of no US version of Xenoblade and the last story, I feel your pain.

While Nintendo hates the non-Japanese audience, Sony seems to be the opposite. 

1 件のコメント:

  1. hooray for our japanese dwelling dwellers, i'll see yall online.
