
Monday, For the ones who want to stay

Happy Monday everyone!

So, now for today's blog.

If you are one of those who have decided to stay here for about 3-5 years, this is for you.

First, the first job you will have is Teaching English.  I can safely say that about 95% of all foreigners who come here will start with that.

There's nothing wrong with it, and depending on your experience (aka Luck) you can actually get paid quite well.  Some pay between 2500-4000 dollars a month.

This is will get you a visa.  Once you have that, then you can rest easy.

The basic requirements for a Visa is 1: a job and 2: a college degree.

I suppose I shouldn't say this, but you can just buy a degree on the internet.  I know a guy who did that and he has been in Japan for several years without ANY problems with visas and other things.  I DO NOT recommend it, but...

Now, for apartments, you have several options.

You can stay at one of the many guest houses.  These are usually friendly and easy to get into, but they cost a TON.  Will, not really a ton, but for what you are getting, (A bunk with like 6 other people and you share everything) it seems over priced.  Usually 5-700 a month.

The good part, I guess you could say, is that they are usually always located in the center of Tokyo.  So, if you desperately want to have that 'Downtown Tokyo' lifestyle, then this may be for you.

But, if you want to actually experience Tokyo, I would recommend going for some of the more countryside areas.  The jobs here are fewer, but they are almost ALWAYS open, because everyone want to have the aforementioned lifestyle.

Also, in the countryside everything is cheaper, so while you are making the same amount of money, you will technicaly be richer, you could say.  Also, rent in the country side is SO MUCH cheaper than in the city.

Another bit of advice is the find at least 3 different super markets in your area.  The reason why is because all Supermarkets have some things cheaper and more expensive than others,.  For me, for example, for all my bread and rice needs I go to one, for my meat needs I go to another, and for things like milk and extra things, I go to to last one.

Also, buy a rice cooker.  With it, your food bill per month with be cut by as much as 50%.  Buying precooked rice seems cheap, but it can add up to much more than you think.

So, there's a few lifestyle tips for living in Japan everyone.

Stay Frosty!

19 件のコメント:

  1. Hi. My Japanese is horrible, and I'm still playing online flashcards with katakana. Though I can read "ko me n to" well enough. I suppose. Context makes it easy as well.

    I actually have a friend who went through this process; and though I could do it, I'm being lazy and not. I do like the aggregation of information, though, and I'd like to travel there sometime in the near future. Thumbs up!

    Hmm. It's unfortunate that my blog is perverse and rather unedited. I can see that as being a potential problem if you are expecting different visitors. Therefore, if you delete this comment, I will understand.


  2. Xa xa I liked you comment to our blog!! You are always welcome. And maybe you will be one more of our friends and followers.
    You have a very beautiful blog here!
    Greetings from Greece..

  3. Nice tips. Very interested in future posts :)

  4. Wonderful idea for a blog, following

  5. Hey man I'm in Tokyo too

    followed you

    check out my blog it's gonna be about Japan amongst other things

  6. you're livin' the dream. i can only hope to one be living among the peacefulness that is japan.

  7. Thanks for the comment on my blog! Yours looks interesting. Followed.

    For anyone else that is interested, my blog is also about japan.

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  8. wow this is very informative, if i ever live in tokyo i will definitely use this as a reference!

    your friend,

  9. Informative post. If I go to tokyo, this will be helpful!

  10. I actually have a friend that is teaching in Japan right now, he loves it.


  11. Good advice; although I probably won't live in Japan.

    You speak/write English surprisingly well. Better than me in the use of "fewer" instead of "less". Following

  12. Great advice dude, ive always wanted to be in japan

  13. Now I know exactly what to do if I ever find myself stranded in Japan. Thanks!

    Supporting as always.


  14. Interesting!! I have no plans to ever visit Japan, but learning about other cultures is interesting.


  15. sick dood

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  16. That's pretty interesting info, nice post

  17. Hello~! Good tips~ I will keep these in mind if I ever want to go to Japan.
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  18. Mmmmm rice.
